News and Events

Tristan Harvey “Pleasant Menace” Original Song

Video of Tristan Harvey playing their original song “Pleasant Menace”

From the back porch, Tristan Harvey serenades you with their tune, “Pleasant Menace.”

“‘Cause when we were younger
I thought that I could change the world
With a smile, with a song.
But let me tell you ’bout MADNESS!
It’ll be your saving grace when you get lost 
What’s the cost? Who knows?”

Caitlyn Vinci Live at Swamp Boil Restaurant

Caitlyn Vinci Performs Live at Swamp Boil in Gainesville, FL, USA

Set One:
00:00:00 – Pallet on Your Floor – Missippi John Hurt
00:04:30 – What is True – Caitlyn Vinci Original
00:09:40 – Stolen Water – Caitlyn Vinci Original
00:15:05 – Composition of Soul – Caitlyn Vinci Original
00:18:50 – Shit To Do – Caitlyn Vinci Original
00:21:45 – Waiting in Vain – Bob Marley
00:26:35 – Love You Like You – Caitlyn Vinci Original
00:29:45 – You Pushed Me Out – Caitlyn Vinci Original
00:34:30 – Spoonful – Charley Patton/Old Blues
00:38:15 – Rocky Raccoon – The Beatles
00:43:45 – Change – Blind Melon

Set Two:
00:47:45 – Can’t Find My Way Home – Blind Faith
00:51:50 – Sailin’ – Caitlyn Vinci Original
00:55:55 – Better Way – Caitlyn Vinci Original
01:00:50 – Pay Attention – Caitlyn Vinci Original
01:05:15 – Apple Tree – Erykah Badu
01:09:35 – Going Up the Country – Canned Heat
01:13:15 – You Can’t Hide (What’s Inside)

Leave Caitlyn a Digital Tip via Paypal or Contact her for Bookings at:

Photo from Instagram @vowlslikeowls

More about Swamp Boil: Swamp Boil kindly hosts a variety of local musicians and songwriters to play during their weekday dinner rush. Their food is great, and they treat the artists well. We enjoyed playing music at Swamp Boil

“Established in July 2020, Swamp Boil combines the exciting experience of Cajun seafood boils with the freshness and aromatics of authentic Vietnamese cuisine. The result is a hands-on, high-energy culinary experience that immerses all five senses. It’s perfect for family meals, gatherings, and celebrations.”

*All audio and visual content in this video is for educational purposes only *

New YouTube Videos

We have all of our songs uploaded to YouTube, but now we have compiled them into full length EP Videos. These two new uploads feature the audio from our 2019 double release of “FLOAT” and “SPLIT.” We hope you enjoy, and remember to click “subscribe” and the YouTube Fairies will grant us a custom URL.

FLOAT – Full EP – Now on YouTube

SPLIT – Full EP – Now on Youtube

(V)OWLS Around the House

Where have we been and what have we been doing?

Cultivating, Creating and Curating the fresh and new inspirations that spring time (and the threat of global pandemic) brings.

We had a big year in 2019 with shows and recording. We all put in a lot of hard work to gig, make merch, record, practice, maintain our six personal lives, and still remaining creative and writing new material. We did it though.

That is the magic of (V)OWLS. We persist.

We keep pushing. We are determined.

All six of us share the passion and compulsion to create art in every single interaction of our lives. The tiniest actions in our days are glittering and glistening in our creative thoughts. Whether we are caught in the waves of music, unearthing the pigments in visual art, spinning the webs of dream wheels or forging mighty swords from lavish linguistics, WE ARE ARTISTS.

The recent global situation has left us separated and in quarantine, but we are still connected in our hearts and through technology(Thanks internet). We have been creating new music, art, gardens, books, plays and so much more. We hope to come back from quarantine with new material and even more drive than previous years.

We ask you now, what are you creating today?

“The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the next best time is right now.”

Get out there (stay home though) and create a new experience.

We are here for you. We are here to support you with our music and our friendship.

Enjoy our music. We love you.

Show Recap 01/24/2020

January 24th 2020 – High Dive – Gainesville, FL

VOWLS opened up for Florida’s favorite Grateful Grass band the Grass is Dead last week. We had a spectacular evening of jams, dancing and great energy. One of the best things about playing live shows is when the crowd is really feeling the music. There really isn’t anything better than a room full of people sharing songs and having a ball.

We knocked our set out of the park. No set list, no rules, all heart! We opened the set with an improvisational jam followed by some of our heavy hitters like “Shining Gold,” “Foggy,” and “Fleeting Glimpse.” Lunchbox slayed the crowd with his elegantly elevated freestyles on “Float” and “Bliss.” We brought the fire, and if you ask us we all feel like we leveled up.
Playing music together just feels so good, and this formation of VOWLS is locking into its groove and is about to take off.

Grass is Dead brought the fun and serenaded us with all the best Dead Tunes. Slick licks, magical jams, fun singalongs, and sweet improv are some of the many reasons to see the Grass is Dead. Especially on that particular Friday night in Gainesville. We were sharing in the groove for sure.

VOWLS at the HIGH DIVE Photo by The Orange Peel GNV

Hello 2020!

Where were we on NYE?

Hello New Year! VOWLS is here and we are ready to reap all the amazing opportunities 2020 has to offer. We started the New Year off right at the Flaming Phoenix Party in Melrose, FL with fireworks, alien beings and jams until the morning hours. We enjoyed the amazing food and we greatly appreciate the hospitality shown to us by Patrick and Amy.
Later on in the week we performed at the sweetest local folk fest, Riverine Reunion. Located at the beautiful Oleno State Park just north of High Springs, FL, this was a fest to remember. The organizers of this event took such great care of us. We enjoyed our Saturday afternoon set inside the log cabin right by the river in the scenic Florida woods. At the end of the night after all the bands played everyone at the fest met up at the community campfire and we jammed out to each others songs and had a great time. We look forward to performing at these two events in the future.

Upcoming Shows

As the new year unfolds we have some shows that we are looking forward to playing the first being on Friday 01/24/20 at the HighDive Gainesville. We will be opening for Florida’s favorite grateful grass band, Grass is Dead! These are guys are some of the nicest, fun loving, and all around great musicians and we are so excited to open for them.

Next on Saturday 01/25/20 the ladies of VOWLS will perform at the Roe v Wade Anniversary party at the WOOLY in Gainesville.

The following weekend 02/01/20 we will be performing at the Springs Run 7.2k at First Magnitude Brewery. This event raises money for the Springs Institute and brings awareness to the help that our springs so greatly need.

What are our plans for 2020?

As most of you know we released not one, but TWO mixtapes last November. We also released USB drives with all of our recorded albums, live sets and solo material. You are probably wondering, “That is pretty awesome. What will VOWLS do next?” That is a great question.

We look forward to playing more festivals and awesome gigs and we hope that 2020 will be the year we explore more of Florida’s sweet spots like St. Pete, St. Augustine and Jax Beach. We hope to be back at some of our favorite festivals throughout the year like Orange Blossom Jamboree, Spring Fest, Danksgiving, Riverine Reunion, JamFest, Changeville, Fest, VegFest, Spirit Fest, and Heartwood Fest.

In addition to gigging and playing around our lovely Sunshine State we will begin planning and recording a 10-13 track album featuring some music that has never been recorded.

Our personal plans for the year may vary but we all can agree that the members of VOWLS are excited about what this year has in store for us. Thanks for listening.

Countdown to our Mixtape Release Party! 11/02/2019

We are proud to announce the unveiling of our new Ep/Mixtape “FLOAT.” Recorded at Goldentone Studio right here in our hometown of Gainesville. Rob from Goldentone, and our personal friend, was not only accommodating in a musical sense, but also amazingly hospitable. Rob also makes a mean shot of espresso. We appreciate Rob’s focus and attention to detail and we think that you can hear it in the final product of “FLOAT.”
We had so much fun recording and mixing with Goldentone and we hope to utilize their services for our next (even bigger!) project for 2020.

We are about one week away from hosting our Mixtape Release Party at the Big Top Brewery in Downtown Gainesville on Saturday November 2nd. That sounds pretty cool, how could this event possibly get any cooler? IT CAN! We will be performing downtown in the heart of Gaiensville during FEST18 with our friends Locochino and Wilson Stern.

On top of releasing a new CD we will also be rolling out a new line of merchandise (tshirts, stickers, usbs, cds, art…)! We are so excited to share our progress and growth with you and we hope to see you on November 2nd!

For more information about the event click here : VOWLS Mixtape Release Party Event Page

The extremely skilled, talented, and multi-faceted Wilson Stern.

Locochino – “Wiggle Room”
Locochino – “On My Feet”
VOWLS – “Mr. Owl”

Let Us All Be Home – Episode 3 – “Thank You Bruce Lee”

Enjoy this sweet video of us playing one of our favorite songs, “Thank You Bruce Lee.”

“The way to transcend karma lies in the proper use of your mind and will. The oneness of all life is a truth that can be fully realized when all false notions of the separate self, Whose destiny can be considered apart from the whole, Are forever annihilated. ” -Bruce Lee

Presenting our third video, “Thank You Bruce Lee,” in the Let Us All Be Home Video Series. We have taken a series of videos at Caitlyn’s childhood home and created this series to pay homage to all of the hard work, dedication, and love that has brought each of the individual VOWLS together in this moment. As we take inspiration from the Dragon himself, Bruce Lee’s legacy has shown us that with simple ideas, directness, perseverance and love we can do anything. Like water we adapt, change and grow continuously in our effervescent sound. We hope you enjoy this video.

We are going to be hosting an EP/Mixtape Release Party on Nov. 2nd

Check out our Google Calendar for details.

Let Us All Be Home – Episode 2

Welcome to the second installment of our internet community series “Let Us All Be Home.”

We hope you will join us on this journey of creating home wherever we go. All you have to do is upload a video of yourself singing/playing a song, sharing words, or however you express yourself and your feeling of home and tag us and we will feature your video on our social media platforms. We hope this project will bring people together and we hope that with the use of social media we can help connect and inspire one another.

“Twilight” came to be while Caitlyn Vinci was surrounded by friends and family in a cabin in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Twilight caught our attention while VOWLS was camping at the Spirit of the Suwannee Park as we gathered around in hammocks and we looked up at the trees at twilight and felt right at home, together in that moment. Now a permanent resident in our repertoire, “Twilight” is one of our favorite songs to perform live and we love sharing this song with all of you!