A big thanks to Wayne for hosting such an outrageously fun event and for having Vowls come headline his show. We had so much fun playing in front of the giant bonfire on that wonderful piece of land in the beautiful Florida spring!
News and Events
Surrender – Vowls Original Song Recorded 1/28/2017
We hope you enjoy our videos 🙂
Vowls Playing FYN (Florida Young Naturalists) Naked Spring Bash 3/31/2017 and 4/1/2017
Come check out Vowls holding down the live music at the next FYN Naked Bash 3/31/2017 and 4/1/2017 (Schedule TBA). If you are a member of the FYN Facebook group, we just posted a (naked) video up there of our original song “You Cant Hide” you might find entertaining.
Home – Vowls
We put up a new recording of our song Home recorded acoustic around a microphone
New Vowls Video – Bliss
We posted a video to our youtube channel of us playing our song Bliss in our studio. I love the dan-mo (Vietnamese drum blocks) 🙂
Vowls (and friends) Show at Sweetberries Sunday 2/19/2017 12pm-6pm
An abbreviated line up of Vowls (Caitlyn and Jordan are on vacation) will be playing a show at Sweetberries on 13th St in Gainesville FL on Sunday 2/19/2017 12-6pm. George and Georgettes will be in attendance and playing too!
It should be an interesting benefit show and supports Girls Place and Jungle Friends. Come on our for a good time and ice cream 🙂